100 lbs of fish

monday puzzler Jun 11, 2018


A group of 6 people went fishing for the day.  In total, they caught 30 fish.  To their surprise, the fish all weighed either 2 lbs, 3 lbs, or 4 lbs.  In total, all the fish weighed 100 lbs.

Were there more fish that weighed 2 lbs, or 4 lbs? 



CLICK HERE FOR THE SOLUTION (scroll past the new puzzle)





In order to have 2 piles of quarters, where each pile contains the same number of quarters showing "heads", you just need to take ANY 20 quarters to form the first pile, and leave the other 80 quarters in the second pile.  Now, flip over all 20 quarters in the first pile.  You will now have 2 piles (one with 20 quarters, and the other with 80 quarters), where each pile has the same number of quarters showing "heads".  This will work every time, regardless of how many "heads" you grabbed initially when picking the 20 quarters.  Try it and see for yourself!


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