100% curriculum coverage of Ontario's grade 9 de-streamed curriculum
Our new book has been written for Ontario students by teachers with expertise in de-streamed math classrooms and reviewed by Ontario teachers. This facilitates the successful implementation of Ontario's new de-streamed curriculum and ensures no teacher or student is left behind.
Quick Features
- Complete resource - instruction, guided examples and lots of exercises
- Multiple step-by-step solved examples throughout
- Chapter reviews and practice tests
- "Exciting Extras" provide challenges for more advanced students
- Full answer key provided
- Very affordable - up to 70% less than traditional textbooks
PLUS ... we provide easy-to-use and integrated online coding applications for teachers and students through our website.
Enhanced Online Coding Activities
The coding content in the book is further enhanced through fun online coding activities that students can work on in class, or from home. Click below to check them out (opens in a new tab/window).
Check them out!The new de-streamed book is now available!
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#207 - 8501 - 162nd Street
Surrey, British Columbia
Canada V4N 1B2